Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fast and easy breakfast!
When my kids were babies I made breakfast for them every morning. I tried to think of creative ways to serve their meals so they would eat it and it would look a little different. I had completely forgot about this cute egg trick. My daughter and a friend did this last weekend. This is easy as can be.
Anything this fast and easy, I'm all for it!
Have a super day!


Melanie said...

That's so cool that she took an old standby mom recipe and made it with her friend!! Good for you. .ya know, I have seen this trick done, but I have never tried it. I'm a bad mom. .cereal or Schwans pancakes or toast sticks at my house. .except for this weekend. .we feasted on the dozens of cinnamon rolls I was provoked to make Saturday!!

Kim said...

What a fun idea!!! I haven't seen that before.

Bonnie said...

Oh yummy! I love any kind of egg breakfast. I haven't made this one in a long, long time!! I'll have to make it next time I do eggs....which is quite often!! :)Thank you for the reminder!!

phillypat said...

My eyes just teared up. My mother occasionally made egg in bread like that but my husband really liked them. He made many requests for them but he did not want any runny whites and he wanted the yolk to still be liquid for the most part. That was a bit difficult. I cried because my husband is not yet 65 and he has been in a nursing home for over a year now with Alzheimer's.